Make Manual Adjustments to Enrollments


Navigation: Main Menu>Records and Enrollment>Term Processing>Appointments>Student Enrollment Appointment


1. Search for the student whose appointment requires updating.

2. In the Enrollment Appointment area, note the Appt Block field. This field displays the student's current appointment and the appointment's Start Date and Start Time.

3. To change the appointment, click the Find Appointment link.

Find Appointment


4. The Find Appointment link provides a search page. Use the criteria there to limit the search or click Fetch Appointment.

Fetch Appointments button


5. The search returns a list of appointment blocks meeting the set criteria. If you clicked Fetch Appointments without providing additional criteria, all available appointments are returned.

6. Find the correct appointment and click Select Appointment to assign it to the student.

Select Appointments page


7. Clicking Select Appointment returns you to the Student Enrollment Appointment page. The new appointment appears in the Appt Block field.

8. Click Save to update the student's record with the new appointment.

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