In Campus Solutions, the 3Cs refers to: Checklist, Comments and Communications. These are the methods through which the University interacts with the student and tracks various forms of correspondence.
Academic Institution
FSU is always "FSU01."
Academic Organization
The Academic Organization tree represents the academic organization within the University. At the lowest level, an Academic Organization is an academic department (ex: Biology). At the highest level, an Academic Organization can represent an entire college (ex: College of Arts and Sciences).
Academic Requirements Report
The Academic Requirements Report is an interactive report that includes mapping milestones for undergraduate students and graduation requirements for undergraduate or graduate students.
Academic Structure
Academic Structure is essentially the listing of all the degrees offered by the University (similar to the Degree Program Inventory.) As applied to a student's academic record it may be referred to as the "program/plan stack."
AdAstra is a room scheduling software that FSU has implemented as a companion project to myFSU Student Central.
What was previously known as an "answers request", Analysis is an Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) query. An analysis lets you explore and interact with information by visually presenting data.
Bio-Demo, or bio-demographic data, is basic information about an individual, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, gender, ethnicity, etc.
BI Publisher
BI Publisher, formerly known as XML Publisher, is a set of design tools that allow a user to create easy-to-read printed operational reports containing data from the Campus Solutions transactional or Campus Solutions warehouse applications.
Breadcrumbs refer to how one navigates to a page in a hierarchical fashion. Breadcrumbs are a linkable navigation path which shows the route to the current page.
Oracle provides quarterly bundles with updates to the Campus Solutions software. These must be evaluated to identify any possible conflicts with modifications FSU had made to the software. Only after extensive testing has been successfully completed are these bundles applied to the production system.
Campus Community
Campus Community consists of all the people or organizations that have a connection with the University, including applicants, students, faculty, staff and external organizations such as high schools. It is also the area of the myFSU Student Central system that houses Self Service modules.
Campus ID
Campus ID is equivalent to FSUID (also known as your FSU web login or Canvas login).
Campus Solutions
Campus Solutions is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) student information systems solution owned by Oracle. Florida State University's implementation of Campus Solutions is branded as myFSU Student Central.
A grouping of students by academic level: Undergraduate, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Non-Degree Undergraduate and Non-Degree Graduate.
Charge Priority
Prioritizes the order in which payments are applied to outstanding charges.
A to-do list displayed to students in the Student Center and to staff in the Student Services Center. This function is part of the 3Cs.
Class Nbr
Class Number (Class Nbr) is the equivalent to course reference number in the legacy student system.
Notes about a person in the system. Comments are categorized by the functional area and are part of the 3Cs.
Correspondence generated through the myFSU Student Central system. Communications are part of the 3Cs.
A group of related pages in Campus Solutions.
Correct History
The ability to "Correct History" is required to make a retroactive change to data in Student Central. myFSU Student Central enforces strict rules concerning data integrity and very few users are granted this access.
Course ID
Course ID is the unique six-digit, auto-generated system number that serves as a serial number to uniquely identify a course throughout its entire history.
Dashboard is a collection of analysis, charts and graphs organized to visually convey important business information in Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI).
Direct Charge
Specific to graduate students, Direct Charge is the process of charging the appropriate amount of tuition. The amount that is waived from tuition costs is affected by the number of employment hours, or full-time equivalency (FTE), and the percentage a student is appointed to each kind of project.
Effective Date
Simply put, Effective Date is the date that an action is effective for system processing.
A generic term for classes a student has added to his or her schedule at some point.
E-Online Role Request (eORR) is the electronic system for requesting security roles.
An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system integrates management activities and information across an organization. FSU uses the Oracle ERP system, under the name OMNI, for Financials and Human Resources. FSU is currently implementing Campus Solutions, under the name myFSU Student Central, as its new student information system.
An ID is your EmplId. An EmplId is the unique, nine-digit numeric identifier assigned to people in the University systems, whether they're staff, students or applicants. The number remains the same across all systems. For example, if you are an employee and a student, the same number identifies you in both roles.
Enrollment Appointment
A time period for which a student is eligible to register for courses. Enrollment Appointment equates to what we currently call "registration windows." Enrollment appointments will follow the same pattern as our current registration windows do each semester.
EPM Warehouse
Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Warehouse is a single integrated database that contains data from the PeopleSoft-based transactional systems (Campus Solutions, HR, Financials and Supply Chain Management) used by Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) for reporting and analysis.
Filter is a constraint added to an analysis or report in Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) to limit the results that are returned when an analysis or report is run.
Fit Gap
An analysis of how a given system meets or does not meet business process needs. Fit Gaps can be filled by changes in business processes or by modifications of the system.
Just-in-Time Training
Just-in-Time Training refers to training courses being offered no more than four to six weeks prior to the information being needed to complete a specific job or task.
Legacy is the term used to refer to FSU's current student information system.
A Module is a section of the system that usually maps to a business office.
National ID
National ID is the Social Security Number (SSN) for students who have a SSN. Unlike in the legacy system, this field is blank for international students who do not have a SSN. Similar to the legacy system, very few users can view student SSN.
Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) is comprehensive business intelligence reporting software. The software is also often referred to as OBIEE, or Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Payment Priority
A flag that dictates the priority of payment for different funding types a student may receive (loans, waivers, financial aid, etc.).
PeopleBooks is the Oracle manual for Campus Solutions. Within the manual you are able to search a topic and read up on the functionality of any given page.
A student's major, minor or certificate.
A personalized gateway into various online applications and tools including Canvas, myFSU email and myFSU Student Central. The portal leverages single sign-on technology.
In Student Central, undergraduate students are admitted into one of two programs: either undergraduate studies (UGST) or directly into their program. When students admitted into the undergraduate studies major are certified to upper division study, their program changes from undergraduate studies (UGST) to bachelor's (BACH).
PS Query
PeopleSoft (PS) Query is a reporting tool that is used when access to live transactional information is required.
Reserve Capacity
A segment of seats that can be held for certain populations within a class.
A Report is a structured output that contains the results from a query. Reports will exist in the myFSU Student Central transactional system using onboard reporting tools and in Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Reporting using Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher.
Row-Level Security
Some pages require additional access besides a role in order to view and/or update data. This is referred to as row-level security.
Security Role
A group of functional business processes that are used in granting security. Users request roles via e-Online Role Request (eORR).
Service Indicator
Service Indicator is the equivalent to holds in the legacy student system.
Snapshot is a copy of information taken at a point in time from the Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) data warehouse. These snapshots enable FSU to capture, freeze, validate and reproduce data at specific points in time.
A Stream is the term given to the group of people working on a given module.
Student Group
Campus Solutions offers a way to define attributes and associate them with student records called "student groups." These are created for the purpose of driving system processes such as access to registration, packaging financial aid and assessing fees. Many of the student groups configured in myFSU Student Central existed as special program codes in the legacy student database.
Subject Area
In Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Reporting, a Subject Area is a group of related tables that is logically organized to deliver reporting and analysis specific to business areas or business processes.
Third Party Contract
Usually referred to as TPC, Third Party Contract is the mechanism in which waivers are applied to a student's account.
Transactional refers to pages within myFSU Student Central that staff and students can interact with - data can be entered, changed, deleted, etc. The word is also used in referring to "live" data, as opposed to warehouse data which is refreshed once per day.
Tuition Calc
The method by which a student's tuition charges are calculated.
Units are the equivalent to hours in the legacy student system.
Waiver Priority
A flag that determines which budget to be charged in the event that a student receives multiple waivers.