Use myFSU Mobile to Enroll in Classes

Use myFSU Mobile to search for and enroll in classes on the go. The app makes it easy to manage your shopping cart and add, drop, or swap classes from any mobile device.  Download myFSU Mobile: App Store | Google Play


1. After downloading, open the myFSU Mobile app and tap the person icon.

2. Tap My Persona: Florida State University.

3. Select the Student persona.


If you have any questions after reading this overview, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 644-HELP (4357) for further assistance.

To Access Enrollment Features . . .

​1. Tap My Academics.

2. Tap the icon for the action you want to perform.


choose from the following options:


»Tap the Cart icon to search for and add classes to your shopping cart


Cart Icon


Regardless of whether your enrollment appointment is open, you can search for classes and add them to your shopping cart. This action does not save you a seat in those classes. This action simply allows you to save specific classes in the shopping cart until your enrollment appointment becomes active. If you add a class to the cart and change your mind, simply tap Delete.


When you access the Cart, if you know the Class number just enter it in the Class Number field. If you don't know the number, tap Search to access basic or advanced search functionality, or tap Schedule Assistant to use that application's robust features and functionality.


» Tap the Class Search icon to perform basic or advanced class searches


Class Search Icon

Some quick tips for performing searches . . .

  • Select the correct Term.
  • Select a subject by typing the three letter subject code in the textbox or using the select subject functionality.
  • Choose a course number (in this case the search will return all REL courses whose value is greater than or equal to 3000).
  • Narrow the search further by supplying your Campus value. 
  • Tap Advanced Search Criteria to access additional search parameters, like General Education areas or class days and times.

Search Interface

»Tap the Add icon to add classes to your schedule


Add functionality is very similar to Cart functionality; however, if your appointment window is open, after you've searched for and selected a class the system prompts you to finish enrolling.


» Tap the Drop icon to drop classes from your schedule.


To drop a class, tap the Drop icon. Tap the checkbox next to the class you wish to drop, and then tap Drop Selected Classes. You'll confirm your selection, then chose Finish Dropping. If you're already in your schedule, you can access Drop functionality by clicking the menu indicator at the top of the screen. 



» Tap the Swap icon to drop a selected class and add a new one


To drop one class and replace it with another, tap the Swap icon. You'll select the class that you wish to drop from your schedule, and then replace it with a class from your shopping cart (or with one you search for and select). When you finish selecting the classes, the system prompts you to finish swapping.



» Tap Schedule Assistant to access the Application's features and functionality


Tap the Schedule Assistant icon if you like generating various schedule combinations so that you can evaluate what works best in any given term. The mobile app lets you use your favorite Schedule Assistant features, like building breaks into your schedule, allowing for travel time by "padding" your class schedule, and locking certain courses in place. If you would like to review Schedule Assistant's many features, check out the short video and FAQ.